Cancer - Yes and Maybe a Natural Remedy for Cancer

Sabtu, 17 November 2012

Well back to that old cliche "you are what you eat" it's what you put into your body that kills you, not what you don't. Actually it's not completely true. It's not just what you self ingest into your body that makes you sick but also what you fail to ingest that matters. A lack of certain nutrients not only can make you sick but can kill you.

Thank God for men like Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez M.D. and Dr. Norman Walker who have gone against traditional thoughts on Curing Cancer and have been bold enough to write the truth in regards to "How Cancer Starts" and "How to rid the body of Cancer" of course through Natural Remedies. How to rid the body of this deadly beast that has crippled so many and has taken down millions in it's quest to attack, paralyze and destroy the human body.

First of all let's look at traditional thought and practice of locating the tumor or cancer cells and destroying them by subjecting the body to more toxic poisons through medicine or even more harmful to the human body, chemotherapy. It not only seeks to destroy cancer cells but also healthy cells needed to ward off and rid the body of the cancer cells through your immune system.

The truth of the matter as Dr. Gonzalez has stated, "the tumors are not the illness in and of themselves but rather the body's way to sequester waste material and warn the body of oncoming danger, yes the tumor has a purpose which is to warn you that your body is filled with too many toxins which have overwhelmed the liver's ability to process them."

Dr. Gonzalez as well as myself believe in the alternative approach to cancer therapy which is based on the premise it's not just important to prevent cancer by eating the right foods and nutrients but also is just as important to rid the body of certain toxic wastes that have been the catalyst to bring about the cancer in the first place.

As I have stated many times before, there is not a machine or computer built by man today that is more majestic to behold than the human body. The human body will repair itself but only when all variables are in place. The proper nutrients taken in and the toxins or subluxations that are causing blockages removed. Being that the body has between 60 and 100 Trillion Cells ( of course no one knows for sure but it is a well calculated and educated guess at best ) and just as red blood cells reproduce themselves every 60 to 90 days in the body all our other cells reproduce themselves every year and a half. Of course when the body is full of toxins and poisons then the immune system cannot work properly and cell replacement is stifled due to blockages because of the poisons. Hence it is necessary to remove all toxins and poisons at all costs if you want to get healthy and stay healthy by proper nutrition, diet and detoxification.

This is how our medical establishment has been evolving so to speak. Twenty years ago the American Cancer Society absolutely denied that nutrition had anything to do with cancer prevention or in cancer treatment but as of the President's Cancer Panel Report in 2010 it was stated that there are certain foods that have been identified to have certain natural chemicals that can not only help the body prevent cancer but to destroy cancer as well. I don't know about you but we have come along way like a 180 degree turn in learning that it is Nature's Way that is the best for our bodies and not a multitude of chemicals full of toxins and poisons. In the book Disease Destroyed, not only does it show you how to rid your body of Cancer, but it names many foods that are very cancer fighting such as broccolli, spinach, parsley and garlic.

One further note before I finish. It is imperitive that I mention a Naturopath in Windsor Ontario named Denis Marier who is doing Vitamin C infusions for people looking for an Alternative to Chemotherapy Treatment. In 2006 the Canadian Medical Association Journal published an article detailing three cases in which patients with advanced cancer benefited from high-dose intravenous vitamin C. Actually I believe Mr. Marier is following what Professor Pauling started in the 1960′s and 70′s.

Professor Linus Pauling received his Phd. in Chemistry in 1925. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963 for his work in the fields of quantum chemistry and molecular biology and he often talked of the importance of Vitamin C for the Human Body. Actually Linus Pauling was considered one the most influential chemists in history and ranks amont the most important scientists of the 20th century. He won two Nobel Peace Prizes and a Nobel Prize in chemistry in his lifetime. He wrote many books including "How to live Longer and Feel Better" and was a large advocate of a high intake of vitamins especially Vitamin C for beating Cancer and the Common Cold. At age 40 Linus was diagnosed with Bright's Disease, a renal disease and he was able to control the disease with a low protein, salt free diet with Vitamin Supplements. In the 1970′s he was the principal advocate of the "megavitamin therapy" to prevent and treat disease. His ideas and beliefs formed the basis of "orthomolecular medicine" which has been strongly criticized and not generally practiced by most conventional medical professionals until now as is the case with Denis Marier in Windsor, Ontario.

I cannot stress the importance of Vitamins C, D and E for beating Cancer. Do you want to be cancer free then please just try some high doses of Vitamins C, D and E. Of course don't forget to rid the body of certain chemicals that are stopping your immune system from doing what it is suppose to. Detoxification through enemas, advanced colon flushes, and after doing all of the said above, some fasting is suggested for good measure. You might ask yourself, what do I know? Right. Well lets just say my doctor only gave me 3 weeks to live at best just over 4 years ago and I'm still here. Only because I listened to the best of the best when it comes to Natural Healing.

Long-Term Use of Ozone Steam Sauna Therapy Has Potential to Slow Or Stop Cancer Cell Growth

The use of ozone steam sauna therapy as a holistic cancer treatment modality is based on the premise that cancer cells, and indeed most microbes, are anaerobic and therefore cannot thrive in an oxygen-rich environment. Enriching the blood stream with oxygen decreases the chance that cancer cells will survive. In addition to creating an inhospitable environment for cancer cells, enriching the blood with activated oxygen (or ozone) has the added benefit of oxidizing free radicals in the body, thereby serving as a natural cleansing agent.

Although ozone steam sauna therapy is relatively new and its potential effects remain unknown, long-term use of this alternative cancer treatment modality could potentially slow or stop cancer cell growth, but only when combined with other alternative and/or traditional cancer treatments and only when administered in a strictly controlled setting. At the EuroMed Foundation, a Phoenix, Arizona, alternative cancer treatment center, patients receive a careful evaluation and customized treatment protocol to meet their unique health needs.


Ozone therapy is based on the concept that nature produces ozone to purify the air and to destroy the organic decay upon which disease pathogens and bacteria thrive. In the environment, ozone occurs naturally and is made up of the ordinary oxygen (O2) we breathe. During photosynthesis, plants release oxygen (O2) into the atmosphere. When those molecules come into contact with solar rays, ultraviolet radiation converts the oxygen into a heavier molecule, ozone (O3), also known as "activated oxygen" because of its additional oxygen atom. Ozone is unstable, and its extra oxygen atom combines readily with other atoms, oxidizing and purifying them. Once the extra oxygen atom has been used, ozone reverts back to its original form, oxygen. Ozone is oxygen in its most active state, containing a generous supply of oxygen.

Potential Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Ozone is one of nature's most powerful oxidants, purifying and cleansing. Because healthy cells thrive in an oxygen-rich environment, and ozone provides a rich source of oxygen, clinicians have been administering ozone therapeutically for many years, beginning in the mid-1800s, although they have reached no consensus about its efficacy. Since the 1990s, many articles have been published in international peer-reviewed journals, reporting positive outcomes of medical ozone research and its application for a wide range of pathologies. Studies include animal experiments, patient case histories, placebo-controlled blinded human trials, and reviews. Traditional ozone therapies include intravenous autohaemotransfusion; intramuscular, intra-articular, and intradiscal injections; ozonated water consumption; and transdermal ozone gas sauna.

Some of the more commonly cited benefits of ozone therapy include the following:

1. Inactivates bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, and protozoa

2. Stimulates the immune system

3. Purifies the blood and lymph systems

4. Enhances circulation and removes arterial plaque

5. Simulates oxygen metabolism

6. Forms peroxides

7. Dissolves malignant tumors

Ozone Steam Sauna Therapy: An Overview

Ozone steam sauna chambers can be used in conjunction with other alternative and/or traditional therapies to fight cancer. The chambers are constructed of ozone-resistant materials, and they deliver an optimal ozone concentration ranging from 3% to 5%. The ozone is created by an ozone generator and then dispersed into the sauna chamber, which is designed to envelop the body while leaving the patient's head open and exposed to ambient, well-ventilated air. This prevents a patient from breathing ozone at a high concentration, which can be dangerous and should be avoided.

Ozone degrades rapidly, usually beginning within 30 minutes, so an enclosed sauna unit enables the technician to quickly saturate the small chamber with therapeutic levels of ozone and to prevent it from accumulating in the ambient breathing air.

While the ozone is pumped into the sauna chamber, hot steam is introduced into the sauna chamber as well. Utilizing both heat and moisture with ozone therapy has several potential advantages:

• The steam and heat cause pores to open, initiating the detoxification process and increasing the body's ability to absorb ozone and excrete toxic substances.

• The ozone reacts with toxic substances, neutralizing and breaking them down, creating organic peroxides in the oils excreted from the pores. A small amount of ozone becomes trapped within these natural oils and newly created peroxides, which prolongs the effect of activated oxygen.

• Evidence suggests that the body is quite capable of utilizing these organic peroxides, as researchers have demonstrated that a byproduct of ozone steam sauna therapy is increased "fixed" free oxygen in the blood stream. The benefits of a single ozone sauna session have been documented to last as long as three weeks. Therefore, the highly reactive O3 molecule is eventually formed into stabilized oxygen molecules by the natural processes of the body.

• The entire lymphatic system is stimulated during therapy.

• The skin is deeply cleansed.

• If enough heat is used for a long enough time, a hyperthermic response occurs in the body, and the body's internal temperature begins to rise.

Ozone Steam Sauna Therapy Protocol

The effect of ozone steam sauna therapy is cumulative, so although occasional use will provide some residual "maintenance" benefit, it will not address chronic illness. Long-term, regular use of this alternative cancer treatment modality could potentially slow or stop cancer cell growth, but only when combined with other alternative and/or traditional cancer treatments and only when administered in a strictly controlled setting.

Ozone steam sauna therapy immediately prompts the body to begin eliminating toxic waste accumulated in the body, but does not assist the body in its actual elimination process. Regular therapy can place considerable stress on the body's lymphatic and elimination systems, including the liver, colon, and skin. Therefore, successful therapy depends upon the body's ability to continuously eliminate the toxic burden, while at the same time preventing "oxidative stress" in the body.

Oxidative stress can be extremely dangerous to the body. It occurs when the body's delicate oxygen cycle of oxidation and anti-oxidation is thrown out of balance. In a healthy individual, this metabolic process occurs naturally and effortlessly, but in a person with a chronic or degenerative condition, it does not. For this reason, when we re-introduce activated oxygen into the body, we must be able to "clean up" its effects. Antioxidants, therefore, should be a mandatory component to all ozone therapy to aid the body in preventing oxidative stress. Because of the potentially damaging effect of ozone saturation in the body, interested individuals should seek treatment only from a reputable center.

Cancer Cure and Cancer Prevention

The book titled: Healing Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to the Process of Healing Cancer takes a different look at cancer in general with a focus on overall health of the body. The book is separated into five main components which are the main components of the overall process of healing cancer. There is also a chapter on the Missing Links for cancer protocols in general, Root-Cause Analysis which identifies the root cause of cancer, and and ending chapter entitle: Life which is auxiliary content.

The chapter on Missing Links discusses Overcoming Fear and Having a Positive Attitude, Addressing Failure, Critical Thinking, Self-Education, True Health, and Responsibility. Each of these "missing links" are discussed in detail with an angle that these are mostly missing in today's conventional cancer treatment protocols. Overcoming Fear and Having a Positive Attitude are important with regard to healing the mind before beginning a journey of healing the body of cancer. These are critical components to the overall process of healing cancer in which the second chapter is dedicated to this topic. Addressing Failure is also a mental component discussed in Chapter 2.

Critical Thinking and Self-Education are discussed in detail in the Missing Links chapter to acknowledge to the reader that there is more to what we "think" we know from our general education. The premise is that we do not have the general ability to think critically because of how we were educated growing up. Also, most of us only receive a "general eduction" and think we are done learning after our formal education is complete. Self-Education is the beginning of a real education that should start well before our formal "general" education is complete. Unfortunately most of us are comfortable with the general education we receive and coast the rest of our lives. This is somewhat dangerous to our belief system as we are gullible to what others tell us a being the truth.

The final Missing Link is Responsibility which seems to be seriously lacking in our society today of grown, intelligent adults. Responsibility consists of taking care of your own affairs and not having so many dependencies in life. In the context of the book, this has everything to do with cancer and disease in general. We as humans are responsible for our actions and if we are not self-education on health and live a non-healthy lifestyle, we are responsible for the ailments and disease we experience. Dependency on a health-care system is being irresponsible. Using critical thinking and self-education will allow us to depend on ourselves and reverse those ailments and diseases and help live a healthier lifestyle.

Chapter 2, titled: Attitude is the first component of the five regarding the process of healing cancer. It is the most important component and is paramount to the healing process. Those who are suffer from perpetual fear, anger, or depression from getting cancer have a significantly lower change of a full recovery compared to those who engage in consistent positive thought. Negative thought is very important to overcome when dealing with cancer. This chapter gives guidance to overcoming negative thought which involves structuring a formal plan for doing so.

Chapter 3, titled: Root-Cause Analysis is based on the known cause of cancer which was discovered in the 1920s. The German Physicist identified the root-cause as: "The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen for normal body cells by the fermentation of sugar." Cancer becomes cancer when a cell can no longer receive the oxygen it needs to survive. This has been know for several decades, yet the current cancer industry does not support it. This chapter discusses the conventional cancer treatments of chemotherapy and radiation which do not address the root-cause of cancer. An obvious message conveyed is, if you do not know the root-cause of something, how can you fix it?

Chapter 4, titled: Detoxification is the second main component of the process of healing cancer. This chapter discusses the toxic environment we live in and the toxic accumulations that build up in our cells from years of poor diet, daily exposure to household chemicals, and chemicals in our water supply. This toxic accumulation is what is responsible for the lower oxygen levels at the cellular level which can eventually lead to cancer. In essence, the toxic accumulation is partially responsible for the formation of cancer and needs to be removed from the body. The chapter discusses many of the common detoxification protocols as well as what to avoid to limit your daily exposure to these toxic substances.

Chapter 5, titled: Alternative and Complimentary Cancer Treatments is the third main component to the process of healing cancer. This chapter discusses many of the common and popular alternative cancer treatment protocols that most of the population has never heard of. These protocols mainly focus on detoxification and nutrition.

Chapter 6, titled: Nutrition is the fourth main component. This chapter goes into great detail of the foods that you should consume and those that should be avoided. This will seem quite obvious when reading it, yet it is not common knowledge in our society. Organic foods, beverages typically do not contain the toxic chemicals of the conventional similar products. The same is true for non-consumable household products such as cleaners and hygiene products. This chapter also covers nutritional deficiencies and why the majority of the population is deficient in a particular nutrients.

Chapter 7, titled: Exercise is the fifth and final component. This is another somewhat obvious topic but the chapter goes into detail on the lymphatic system and its importance to naturally detoxifying the body. The lymphatic system is the literal sewer system of the body which its circulation is only induced by body movement (exercise). If exercise is not part of a daily routine then stagnation can form in the lymphatic system making things worse with regard to cancer and disease. It is important to implement a weekly exercise routine.

Chapter 8, titled" Life is an auxiliary chapter that discusses the Mind, Body, and Soul and how it relates to the overall process discussed. It suggests that if we do not score high in the mind, body, and soul categories then we are not living life to the fullest potential. There is more to life than just "getting by" and "going through the motions". Those with cancer obviously score low in the body category, but likely score low in the mind and soul categories too. The book and the missing links and overall process to healing cancer should allow everyone to score much higher in these categories. Using the contents in the book gives the tools to start scoring higher in these categories immediately.

Essiac Tea Side Effects: Is It Safe to Use Essiac Tea for Detox and Cancer Treatment?

Essiac tea was introduced during the 1920s, and since then has been quite popular for treating cancer, and a host of other illnesses and diseases. Initially the promotion of essiac tea was done by Rene Caisse, a nurse in Canada, who claimed the formula was given to her by one of her patients. The recipe was supposed to have originated from a medicine man of the Ojibwa tribe. This herbal formulation is now sold commercially, but is not without side effects, even though it contains only natural ingredients. Here are essiac tea side effects that are possible.


People, who take essiac tea along with their food, complain of indigestion. The solution would be to take the tea when the stomach is empty, and not during or immediately after a meal. Indigestion is also noticed in individuals, who already have a waste build-up inside their body. As the tea is known to eliminate toxins, it can cause discomfort in the digestive tract or stomach, while it is acting.

To remedy this side effect, stop taking the herbal tea for a couple of days, or wait until the condition starts improving. Treatment can be resumed with a smaller dosage, and then increasing it gradually to the normal amount. For instance, when an ounce of tea results in indigestion, decrease it to half in the beginning, and then increase it later.

Urinating Often

The tea mainly helps in detoxification, and hence prompts the system to eliminate the toxins, by passing more urine. Most users have experienced this, and is considered quite a common side effect. Even though this is a positive effect, it can cause dehydration, and therefore it is important to drink more water for replenishing lost fluids.

Pimple Formation

Certain people start to get pimples, because of the tea's detoxification process. This condition does not last long, and will stop once the system is cleaned up, and will ultimately result in a better skin tone and complexion.

Kidney Problems

Sheep sorrel and rhubarb, the two ingredients of essiac tea, has oxalic acid, which is a compound, and is quite harmless in small doses. However, for people already having kidney problems, this compound could combine with calcium, and cause kidney stones. Drinking the tea in excess can also cause poisoning.

Upset Stomach and Diarrhea

People who take drink essiac tea in excess without proper water intake can suffer from stomach upsets. The detoxification that happens due to the tea will increase the digestive process for eliminating bodily wastes. Adequate amount of water is required to help in this process, as toxins are diluted by the water, and the excretion goes about smoothly. Less water will cause an upset stomach and discomfort.

This side effect can be eliminated or minimized by taking water daily, a minimum of six glasses, especially during the intake of essiac tea.

Fortunately, the body gets acclimatized to the tea, and system of digestion will soon recover to its former state.


In certain individuals, essiac tea's herbs cause moderate to mild allergic reactions, which includes, rashes, runny nose and eyes, and itching. These are quite similar to hay fever symptoms, and hence determination of an allergy becomes quite easy.

Such a side effect can be managed by lessening the dose for some time. This is mainly to get the body accustomed to the tea. Later increase the dosage gradually, until there are no more symptoms. For some people, the intake of this tea will have to stop for some time, and then restarted in small doses.

Symptoms of Flu

The tea's detoxification process can cause cold and cough in some people, which is similar to symptoms of other methods of detoxification. People who can tolerate such symptoms should continue with the dosage and they will disappear in time.


Diabetics who are dependent on insulin should exercise caution in the dosage of their essiac tea, and monitor their levels of blood sugar regularly. Certain ingredients are known to react with bodily processes that produce glucose and insulin.

Are Essiac Tea Side Effects Dangerous?

Most Essiac tea side effects are mild, but be cautious during the treatment period. Also note, effects can vary between individuals. The tea is also not advisable for women who are pregnant or nursing, as it can cause contractions in the uterus.

Cancer Treatment - Americans Have Handed Over Billions Of Dollars And There Is No Cure In Sight

Cancer will be the source of more deaths in the year 2011 than any other disease in the world. For all the activists who have raised money and awareness through marches, and various fundraisers, and those of us who have responded with multiplied billions of dollars thrown at the pharmaceutical companies and the FDA in hopes of finding a cure, the sad fact is that all of our effort has failed. There is still no cure and there is no cure on the horizon.

It should be clear that the billions of dollars we have handed over to the cancer industry has left us without so much as a glimmer of hope for a solution to this dread disease. Families have been bankrupted, cancer patients emaciated, and the death rate remains one apiece. No matter how much money we funnel in the direction of pharmaceutical companies and the government agencies who are on their dole, we still continue to die at an alarming rate from this terrible disease.

The bottom line is that if you have been diagnosed with cancer and if you choose conventional medicine (chemotherapy) as your hope for life, you are going to die. You are going to die and chemotherapy will not cure you. It will obliterate your immune system, it will weaken you to the point of death, you will lose your hair, your joy, and your will to live, and for the rest of the degraded moments you have left on planet earth you will appear to all the world as little more than the walking dead. This will be your plight for the rest of your time on earth and it matters very little whether you have spent your life savings and bankrupted your family and relatives; you are going to die! It is of absolutely no consequence that you have made another doctor rich, and helped fund a lavish vacation for another high dollar pharmaceutical executive; you are going to die! This two hundred billion dollar a year business has not come close to finding anything that even remotely resembles a cure and another two hundred billion dollars will net the same result. You are going to die!

Our culture is enmeshed in what can only be classed as the "Cancer Dark Ages." A profit driven industry has handcuffed a whole society and is spoon feeding chemical death to citizens who have been brainwashed into believing that they have no other choice but to undergo and then try and survive the treatment. Do not be deceived, chemotherapy is absolutely brutal and there are only a relatively small number of patients who have actually survived the "treatment" and are alive to talk about it. Not many years in the future a more advanced culture will look back on this time and scratch their heads and wonder what in the heck we were thinking.

You Have An Alternative

Natural health and healing believes that no disease is incurable provided that it has not progressed too far, and that when you supply the right nutrients for the body through a healthy diet, and at the same time remove harmful chemicals and substances (detoxification) your incredible human body will heal itself every time. The success rate of healing even late stage cancer when natural holistic health practices are utilized to their full is nothing short of remarkable.

Calling this approach an alternative is really quite misleading and does not do justice to this holistic way of healing. Natural health and holistic healing have been practiced with great success for thousands of years. Modern medicine with it's synthetic chemicals (poisons) that attempt to mimic plants, and it's immune system debilitating treatments has only been around a relatively few years. Mainstream medicine should therefore be deemed "alternative" and it should be noted that this "alternative" has an almost zero success rate in relation to the treatment of cancer for instance.

It is my earnest prayer that you dear reader become informed about disease and conventional medicine's approach to healing. After thoroughly considering the issue I hope you will make the common sense approach to health and youthful vitality by adopting a lifestyle that emphasises a healthy plant based diet, regular exercise, lots of pure water, and a vital connection to the God of the Universe. These simple life changes are very inexpensive, and they provide a sense of well being, physical health, and spiritual peace, while saving you and your family a truckload of money on doctor bills. Natural health practices will allow you to live out your days in optimum health and then die peacefully at a ripe old age.

Homeopathic Medicine Is a Safe Dog Cancer Treatment

If you have recently found out that your beloved dog has cancer, you are currently facing an array of decisions. If you are seeing a veterinarian, he or she has likely recommended dog cancer treatment options like surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Unfortunately, the sad fact is that these kinds of treatment can be harmful for your dog. However, homeopathic medicine is an option that you might not have thought of yet. This type of medicine is a completely safe way to treat both humans as well as animals.

With homeopathy, your dog will be administered very diluted amounts of various substances. The quantity of these substances is so diluted that the treatments are completely safe. However, at the same time, these remedies are extremely potent. In one study, scientists used test tubes and were able to get cancer cells to "commit suicide" by using homeopathic remedies.

When you use homeopathic remedies as a dog cancer treatment, not only will he or she experience an improved quality of life, your pet will also live longer. Many pet owners are finding that alternative medicine options like homeopathy and biofeedback are helping their pets fight the disease without the need for harmful procedures. These types of homeopathic treatments are also completely safe. They have no side effects and have no addictive properties either. In fact, even babies can be safely treated with homeopathic medicine. A total lifestyle change that includes detoxification, better nutrition and remedies like homeopathy and flower essences can have a huge impact on the health of your pet.

Homeopathy treats your dog's body as a whole. Sadly, since surgeries and dog cancer treatment like chemotherapy only focus on removing the cancer, they can cause a host of side effects. Further when your dog is in a weakened state and feeling sick and depressed due to various treatments, his cancer is more likely to spread. Your dog may have gotten cancer in the first place because his immune system was weak. Unfortunately, these invasive treatments might end up making your dog even weaker and more vulnerable to the disease. As a result, it could be increasingly difficult for his body to combat the dog cancer.

Western medicine's approach to dog cancer treatment can often provide a temporary fix for issues. However, alternative treatments like homeopathic medicine can not only greatly expand a dog's lifespan, but also can bring him back to a normal state of health. Homeopathy is a safe way to reverse the progression of cancer in your dog's body.

Homeopathic remedies stimulate a dog's immune system. They also strengthen the body's ability to fight disease. One of the most powerful effects that this type of medicine has is that it can take advantage of the body's own healing power. Your dog's body's natural ability to heal is the ultimate dog cancer treatment.

Cancer Treatment Alternatives From Those Who Beat Cancer

In this short article I just want to point out some of the cancer treatment alternatives that cancer winners have employed to beat their disease. And what you can do to reduce the risk of getting cancer in the first place. Getting control of you health is very important.

Cancer treatment alternatives are becoming more popular and thousands of patients have beaten cancer with alternative methods when conventional medicine had given up. Unfortunately most cancer treatment alternatives are not in the mainstream because the pharmaceutical industry is in control, and if there is any competition then they would lose billions and billions of dollars. But lets get to the point.

Here a a few things that cancer winners did: including raw food to their diet and eliminating sugar; also eliminating white flour and processed foods; lowering the voltage of the cells; inhibiting tumors by stopping the growing of the cancer cells; or killing the cancer cells by introducing cytotoxic substance into them, raising the oxygen content of the cells; creating an environment that is lethal to cancer cells; eliminating all parasites from the body; lowering the pH of the body to increase alkalinity and oxygenate the tissues; building or rebuilding the immune system; detoxification of the body to eliminate underlying toxicity; repairing damaged to affected organs and areas.

Most of the the patients of beat cancer also cleaned up their personal environment to help eliminate the cancer and insure against its recurrence; eliminating yeast and parasites; removing all dead teeth including root-canaled teeth, cavitations and mercury has proved to be extremely vital; removing substances that can cause cancer like body lotions, fragrances, deodorants, fluoride, talcum powder, benzene, isopropyl alcohol etc.

Cancer can not survive in an oxygen rich environment. They are anaerobic and have fermentative metabolism which means they need sugar not oxygen to survive. It is very important to get more oxygen into the tissues and eliminate refined sugars. Basically creating an environment where cancer can not survive. If you want to learn more about alternative treatments then click the link in my Resource Box.

Alternative Liver Cancer Treatment - 2 New Methods

Liver is a human organ that is present in the vertebrates. Liver is responsible for various functions to be carried out in our body. Apart from synthesis of proteins and detoxification, liver also produces the biochemicals that are helpful in food digestion. Liver is extremely necessary for survival of human beings. Liver is primarily made up of a combination of number of tissues. A cancerous growth in the tissues in liver is termed as liver cancer. Liver cancer is considered to be one of the most deadly diseases. People with this disease hardly survive more than a year.

Consumption of alcohol, excessive unwarranted usage of drugs and medicines are considered the prime causes of this disease. Surgery and chemotherapy are considered the main treatment options available for this disease. But nowadays there are many alternative liver cancer treatments available.

Proton beam therapy: Proton beam therapy is based on the concept of passing increased amount of proton beams to a particular local area or the affected area. Proton beam therapy can be used to treat solid tumors as well. To perform this treatment, the patient is basically fixed on a body cast so that the patient can remain in the same position for every session.

Acupressure: Acupressure is a traditional practice of treatment that was predominant in Asian countries for a long period of time. Nowadays even the western countries have started adopting the practice after researches found them useful. The concept of acupressure is to address the root cause of a disease rather than addressing the immediate cause of a disease. Rather than just treating liver cancer, acupressure finds out the root cause of it and issues a cure for that too. Another important concept that acupressure offer is pulse reading. According to acupressure pulse reading is nothing but detecting the flow of energy in human body.

Alternative Colon Cancer Treatments

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, well-know surgeon and inventor of Kellogg's Corn Flakes, believed most health issues are due to a poorly functioning colon, hence his creation of a bran cereal to aid in colon function. There are many colon cancer treatments to revive an under-performing colon. This means you no longer have to rely solely on the conventional medical treatments that have serious side effects.

Alternative Colon Cancer Treatments

There are many different alternative colon cancer treatments that you may choose to undergo. Most of which you can try on your own. Though you will need to talk to your doctor before trying any of these treatments. One of these treatments is called oxygenation. The oxygen treatment is rooted on the idea it can eliminate cancerous cells. It is also comforting to know that there are no man-made chemicals in this treatment unlike in chemotherapy.

The Royal Society of Medicine did a major study and found that a multifunctional large intestine (colon) is the substantial contributor to 85% of all disease and illness. Considering this, another treatment to purify the colon is detoxification. Harmful toxins are flushed out by this method. Some believe that the toxins enable cancer to spread more quickly. So this method is thought to prevent further spread. The detoxify cure can be self-administered or assisted by a medical staff.

There are also vitamins and homeopathic remedies, watermelon cleanse & celery seed tea, that are said to help the fight. There are many different ones that you may use some may be used in conjunction with others and some may be used alone. This will depend on the type of herbal remedy that you are under going.

Alternative Approaches to Breast Cancer Treatment

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer you may be wondering if there are alternatives to traditional treatments of chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. In fact there are many alternate approaches to treat breast cancer. Alternative approaches are not necessarily less expensive as traditional treatments but they may have a less negative impact upon your body.

If you are considering alternative treatments you should discuss this with your physician, especially if you are undergoing traditional treatments. Do not withhold information from your physician for fear of a negative reaction. If your physician does not support your decisions you may consider looking for one who will. Even so, keeping information from your physician regarding alternative treatments may compromise your health and the potential success of either treatment.

Many alternative approaches are based upon the belief that cancer is a result of a variety of possible causes. Ionizing radiation, viruses, free radicals, chemicals and heavy metals may be a cause of breast cancer. You lifestyle can contribute to your risk of having breast cancer. Weight gain of more than fifty-five pounds after turning eighteen increases your breast cancer risk.

Therefore some alternative approaches include megavitamins, meditation, diet therapy, relaxation and positive imagery. If you want to improve your chances to overcome cancer your mind needs to be in a positive place, or so it is felt by many alternative approaches.

Immunobiological treatments are another alternative approach to breast cancer. Theses treatments attack the cancer while restoring your natural defenses that include your bodies' detoxification paths and immune system. Many practitioners use an integrated approach based in holistic as well as traditional medicines.

While cancer cells develop in everyone the inability of an individual's ability to fight the cancer cells forming into a tumor and metastasizing is the real problem that needs to be addresses. The body has a natural defense that fails when breast and other cancers form. If the bodies' natural defense mechanisms can be restored then it can fight to eliminate the cancer.

While traditional methods to cure focus on destroying the cancer cells, alternative treatments focus on trying to fix the underlying cause that lead to the cancers development. Unless the underlying causes are fixed the cancer may return or progress to a worse degree.

Some alternative treatments include correcting nutritional deficiencies. This includes ensuring the correct levels of Vitamins C, D and E and selenium that have been shown to protect against cancer. Also included are programs to remove toxins that have accumulated in the body and repair the pathways for the natural elimination of toxins.

Inflammation reduction, dysfunction of cellular mitochondria, high carbon dioxide and low oxygen levels are other focus of alternative therapies for breast cancer treatment.

With all the advancements of both traditional and alternative treatments the chance of survival has never been better. You do have choices if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Conventional and Unconventional Cancer Treatments - Part Two

Conventional cancer treatments are based on the belief that cancer starts as a localized tumor, spreading to other parts of the body, and therefore requiring aggressive invasive treatments. Alternative or unconventional cancer treatments, on the other hand, are based on the belief that a healthy body with a healthy mind is capable of utilizing the immune system to destroy cancerous cells.

Individuals who seek unconventional cancer treatments are those whose health has not improved with conventional treatments, or those who are in the early stage of the disease and who are well educated and informed in alternative medicine. Of course, there are some patients who choose both conventional and unconventional treatments simultaneously.

Nowadays, there is an array of alternative cancer treatments to choose from, including diet, metabolic therapy, and cancer psychotherapy, among others.

The relation of diet and disease is best expressed in terms of the Oriental concept of "yin" and "yang." The Oriental approach to cancer treatment is very different from that of Western medicine, which focuses on a different biological understanding of the disease, often involving aggressive and invasive procedures to kill, remove, or transform the cancerous cells. The Oriental way, on the other hand, focuses on the overall well-being of an individual, attained by a balanced diet, using "yin" and "yang" foods to balance and complement each other.

For centuries, the Chinese have observed the importance of balance and harmony, which is manifested in the wholesome wellness of an individual. The concept of balance and harmony of "yin" and "yang" is central not only to the Chinese healing methods that use foods and herbs as medicine, but also to the Chinese way of eating and living. The "yin" and "yang" diet is a healthy diet that focuses on the basic principles of foods to restore balance and eliminate imbalance - which is the cause of disease.

Metabolic therapy is based on the concept of detoxification and rejuvenation. Toxins from foods and the environment, and free radicals produced through oxidation processes in the body contribute to cellular stress that causes cancer.

Detoxification is achieved through fasting and other means, such as liver detoxification. After detoxification, the treatment is followed by a vegetarian diet that focuses on raw "live" foods and fresh vegetable juices, to the exclusion of sugar, all white flour products, processed foods, and alcohol.

In addition, vitamins, such as vitamins A, C and E, are used as antioxidants against cellular damage due to radicals. Very often mega doses of vitamins C, are taken in conjunction with proteolytic enzymes to treat cancer. The cancer tumor shields itself from anticancer agents by forming a fibrous coating. However, proteolytic enzymes can digest this protective fibrous coating, and thus instrumental in allowing the body's white blood cells to attack the cancer.

Cancer psychotherapy is based on the concept that effects of emotional stress can suppress immunity, and thus lowering resistance to cancer. Given that emotional factors play a pivotal role in causing cancer, the remedy is to change the personality through psychotherapy.

Visualization or mental imagery is also used to influence the immune system in cancer treatment. Mental imagery is a self-help technique for the cancer patient who is under stress. Using the mind as a tool to heal cancer may be a starter for other treatments.

Psychological techniques also include deep relaxation and hypnosis. However, most psychological techniques do not replace standard medical procedures; rather, they are used in conjunction with conventional cancer therapies, such as radiation.

Both conventional and unconventional cancer treatments have their pros and cons. Cancer treatment option is a personal choice. Prevention is better than cure. Cancer is a very complex disease, and there are many factors contributing to the disease. Just remember that your lifestyle and the environment play an important role in the development of cancer.

Cancer: Causes and Remedies (Part Four)

Natural Healing For Cancer

Healing from cancer must begin where the cancer started - the human mind pattern. Whatever is not in your mind-pattern cannot happen to you. If cancer has happened to you, cancer or the belief in cancer is in your mind pattern.

I hear many people, mainly Christians, always talking about not claiming a thing. Well, when it comes to disease they don't have to claim the disease because the disease has already claimed them. Just because you say you don't or won't claim a thing doesn't mean you won't have or suffer from the thing you profess to not claim. If you don't claim a thing (on the surface with words) but in your heart you fear the thing and believe in the thing, you GOT IT!

You only have cancer once you believe in cancer. You can only die from cancer if you believe you can die from cancer. It's predominantly mental. Why do you think doctors can tell a person that they have only six months to live and in six months the person dies of cancer? I witnessed this with my father back in 1994. They told pops he had only six months to live and he bought it. The man died in six months precisely.

Doctors know that a cancer patient who is blasted with radiation and inundated with chemotherapy will succumb from these treatments within six months and cancer will get the blame.

Western doctors are in error for telling scared and faithless cancer patients/victims that they only have a certain amount of time to live. This is wrong on doctors' behalf. You should never tell a person that they are dying or only have a certain amount of time to live. The body manifests what the mind believes. You can't enjoy life knowing you are going to die. Most people don't even truly live life and because they never learned to truly live, they are souls afraid of dying. As Braveheart said, "Every man dies, but not every man really lives." Most people are alive but they are not "living."

In the East, the doctors don't tell the patient that they have a fatal disease and only have a certain amount of time to live. However, they do tell family members.

Big Money of K.J.L.H. 102.3 F.M.'s Front Page show here in Los Angeles got mad at me back in 2000 because I said on the radio that I would never get cancer. Big Money said I couldn't say that. Then he brought up the fact that Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam had prostate cancer. Now what does Minister Farrakhan having cancer have to do with Djehuty Ma'at-Ra? Farrakhan and Djehuty are two different individuals and our lifestyles are very different, especially our diets.

I can say that I will NEVER get cancer because I mean that! It's not in my mind-pattern. I can't conceive of this in my mind. More importantly, I know what cancer is and what causes cancer. Even better, I know how to prevent and remedy cancer.

So first of all, in healing cancer, you need a strong and positive mindset and strong will to live.

Your typical and degenerate diet MUST change! No more meats, dairy, refined grains and carbohydrates, refined starches, etc. The diet MUST become 100% raw foods, preferably organic.

The best foods to eat to eradicate cancer are green colored foods - kale, parsley, spinach, greens, cabbage, broccoli, etc. Greens foods are great alkaline foods saturated with nutrients. Green drinks or veggie cocktails drank daily are exceptional. They give instant life to the cells.

VEGETABLES. Just about all vegetables should and can be eaten. Green vegetables and vegetables with color are best! Vegetables are ALIVE and laced with enzymes, minerals, and other valuable nutrients. Do not cook the vegetables. Cooking KILLS! Cooked food played a pivotal role in the cancer in the first place.

FRUITS can be eaten too, but stay away from eating a lot of citrus fruits and not because they are acidic, because they are not. In spite of their natural acids, citrus fruits are very alkaline. Melons are the best fruits to eat in healing from cancer followed by various berries, especially those with antioxidant properties (blueberries, Goji, lycii, elderberry, etc.)

With cancer, I personally prefer the eating of vegetables over fruits due to the sugar content of fruit. Cancer thrives in sugar. Even though the sugar in fruit is natural, the body is usually too inundated with unnatural sugars and we want to prevent confusion. So start off first with vegetables and then work the fruits into the healing diet. After a while, the Body Intelligence begins to differentiate between natural sugar and unnatural sugar.

OXYGEN/OZONE Therapy. These therapies are big in Europe where they are also legal unlike here in the United States. If you have an oxygen machine or ozonator and a body bag/suit, oxygenate or ozonate yourself twice daily (45-60 minutes). The oxygen or ozone will penetrate your skin and saturate your blood killing cancer cells instantly. You can also take oxygen/ozone baths daily. In these baths, you leave the machine going while in the tub. An oxygen/ozone bath should be anywhere from 1-2 hours. You can enhance this bath by adding a few pounds of sea salt (to alkalize the water) and MSM sulfur. Every glass of water should be oxygenated or ozonated in addition to being alkaline. If you don't have an oxygen or ozone machine, you may add oxygen drops (20-30 drops per glass) or 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide (1/8 of an ounce) to your water. You can also add these to your bath water if you don't have an oxygen or ozone machine.

Oxygenated oil (Oz-Oil) can be used to rub the entire body down with so as to help oxygenate the body. Oz-Oil is very healing!

MAGNETS are great if you have tumors. You will need powerful magnets to shrink the tumors. Magnet strength sizes 4,600 gauss to 14,000 gaass are ideal. The higher the better! Never sleep with magnets above your eyes (preventing brain ionization). The magnets should be applied to the tumor and left on.

HERBS are very ideal in healing cancer. You will want to use blood cleansing herbs such as Echinacea (purpurea, pallida or angustifolia), Goldenseal root, Chickweed, Manjistha, Yellow Dock, Cerasee, Burdock Root and Dandelion Root. Blood cleansing herbs will also cleanse the lymphatic fluid too.

You will also want to use tissue rebuilding and repairing herbs too, such as Comfrey Root, Burdock Root, Sarsaparilla and Chaparral.

Immune boosting herbs are also ideal in healing from cancer. These herbs include Suma, Ginseng, Astragalus, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Pau D'Arco (LaPacho), Cat's Claw, Yew Tips and Codonopsis to name a few. These herbs stimulate the body's natural anti-cancer defenses. They increase the activity of natural killer cells which recognize and destroy cancer cells at first sight and improve the efficacy of interferon (protective protein when a foreign substance/invader is lurking).

SEAWEEDS are important to consume in healing from cancer because they are very oxygenating, alkalizing and nutritious. The best seaweeds to consume are Super Blue Green algae, Chlorella, Spirulina, Dulse, Irish Moss and Kelp. Seaweeds will eradicate the damaging effects of radiation from radiation treatment.

MUSHROOMS are very healing in cancer. You will want to use the healing and therapeutic mushrooms - Reishi, Maitake and Shitake. Maitake is the most potent of the healing mushrooms. These mushrooms should be taken in extract form. These mushrooms greatly help to dissolve tumor growth.

WATER or hydrotherapy can be used in the healing regimen for cancer. The best water to drink for healing purposes is alkaline water followed by distilled water. You will want to add Clear Quartz crystal to this water as this will greatly transform the water and make it very healing. Crystal water will eradicate the damaging effects of radiation - guaranteed! Adding liquid chlorophyll also boosts this water's healing ability.

CRYSTAL THERAPY is undoubtedly the most important aspect of healing for cancer. Crystals work on the energy level where cancer begins. Crystals can cause cancer frequencies to change and thus rapidly begin the core healing aspect.

COLON CLEANSING is imperative in healing from cancer. It is very true that all sickness, disease and even death begin in the colon. However, healing also begins in the colon. Colonics and enemas are essential in healing from cancer, especially colon and rectal cancers. Colon-cleansing herbs include Cascara Sagrada, Senna, Buckthorn, Aloe Vera resin, Rhubarb, Bilwa, Bibitaki, Jalap Root, and Glucommanan to name a few. Bentonite clay (liquid form) helps to remove heavy metal toxins from the colon as well as mucoidal plaque. Drinking Aloe Vera juice is very soothing and healing to the colon. Aloe Vera juice is very alkalizing.

VITAMIN B-17 (Laetrile). Leatrile is banned here in the U.S. because it is effective in healing from cancer and thus poses a threat to the U.S. cancer monopoly and medical cartel (FDA). However, one of the greatest sources of natural Vitamin B-17 is Wheat Grass, so drink plenty of wheat grass (while you still can).

MEXICO CANCER CLINICS are great alternative medical facilities in which to seek treatment and healing for cancer. However, what you need to know is that these clinics will not just take any ole cancer patient. If the cancer patient is too weak to digest and swallow food or to walk, these clinics will not accept the person so it's best to visit one of these clinic early on. These clinics provide natural biological medical services which are non-toxic and non-invasive which include detoxification, hyperthermia, bio-oxidative therapy, chelation therapy, major and minor hemotherapy, I.V., I.M., hydrogen peroxide I.V. drips, and colon therapy.

Here is a listing of some of the Tijuana (Mexico) cancer clinics:

"Advanced Center of Integrated Medicine," Institute Allen W. Lloyd Building, Avenue Pasio Tijuana # 406-201, 2nd Floor at International border, Tijuana, Mexico 22320 [Mailing; P.O. Box 926, Bonita, California 91908] Telephone: (800) 337-1917 Fax: 011-52-66-824920

"American Biologics," Azucena #15 La Mesa, T.J. B.C., Mexico [Mailing: Chula Vista, California 91911] Telephone: (800) 227-4458 (619) 429-8200 Fax: 011-52-66-816435

"American Metabolic Institute," 420 Grandos FRACC La Mesa, Tijuana, B.C. Mexico [Mailing: 555 Saturn Boulevard Building B, M/S432, San Diego, California 92154] Telephone: (800) 388-1083 (619) 267-1107 Fax: (619) 267-1109

"Bio-Medical Center," 615 General Ferreira 9Colonia Juarez) Tijuana, B.C. Mexico [Mailing: P.O. Box 727 Tijuana, B.C. Mexico] Telephone: 011-52-84-9011

For a complete listing of all the Tijuana, Mexico cancer clinics, contact Promotion Publishing, 3368 F Governor Dr. Suite 144, San Diego, California 92122; Telephone: (800) 231-1776

And lastly, stop saying and believing that everyone has a cancer cell in the body and that you can either feed it or fight it. Remove that notion. Get it out of your mind-pattern.

Remember, with God ALL things are possible, even healing from cancer.

The power to heal lies within (self) - Djehuty Ma'at-Ra

Peace, Love, Life and light be unto all!

Alternative Cancer Treatments - Giving You All the Tools For Survival

There are many instances where people have survived in spite of having been diagnosed with fatal cancers. The reasons behind this are many. Many people are trying alternative treatments for combating cancer. The radiation and chemotherapy which is the usual treatment routine for cancer patients is emotionally and physically draining.

Most of the alternative treatments available are based on the fact that cancer is a physical symptom of imbalance in emotional, spiritual, mental and physical well being. Bringing all these back into balance would treat the cancer affecting you.

1-The first step is to heal emotions and eliminate stress. Emotional stress leads to increased production of adrenalin which culminates in high blood sugar, low levels of oxygen therefore fermentation and mutation of cells leading to cancer. Hence healing these negative emotions is critical for treatment. The usual modes adopted are hypnotherapy, counseling etc.

2-The next step is avoiding stress. Any kind of stress will enhance the cancer cells and thus have to be avoided. Jobs can be changed; residence can be shifted etc with the aim of keeping stress at bay.

3-Reducing stress calms the autonomous nervous system and hence the cortisol levels in the body decrease. Yoga, aromatherapy, meditation, relaxation techniques help in this. Laughter therapy is very commonly used for this purpose. Laughter lowers blood pressure, and boosts immune system which kills the cancer cells.

4-Melatonin levels have to be increased since this is responsible for inhibiting cancer cell growth and the regulation of the immune system. Daily sessions of meditation have increased melatonin levels for the desired affect.

5-Many natural products are seen to possess immune system boosting properties. Recovery from cancer should support the immune system and its components. Wheat germ extract has been found to be very effective in this regard.

6-The body has to be cleansed of viruses, bacteria and fungi. These organisms are responsible for causing disruptions in the Krebs cycle leading to cell mutation and cancer. The parasites have to be de-wormed from the body.

7-Toxins like mycotoxins, chemicals, alcohol, antibiotics etc have to be thrown out of the body. The detoxification has to extend to other organs like gall bladder, colon and the kidneys.

8-The body pH has to be re-alkanized. Smoking, alcohol consumption should be stopped. A healthy diet rich in anti oxidants to be followed. The diet should be rich in anti cancer foods which aid in getting the body rid of cancerous cells. Cancer cells cannot survive in alkaline environment.

9-The inner belief that cancer can be cured has to take deep roots. This confidence in the system would aid in treatment by enhancing progress.

10-Believing that God would help is very calming to the mind and body. Faith in God is proven to increase confidence levels and bring about good health and mental well being.

11-While preparing to start alternative treatment it is better to be prepared for change in a big way like, diet, system, routine etc. The flexibility would make healing faster.

To Your Health!

UBVI As an Alternative Cancer Treatment

People faced with auto defense illnesses such as cancer malignancy of the breast have an overwhelming variety of therapy solutions to consider. One of the substitute cancer malignancy treatments which could be suggested by a physician is called sun program irradiation (UBI). Before the popularity of antibiotics, health professionals used sun program irradiation to cure viral and attacks among patients.Later on, sun program irradiation became a common strategy accepted by scientists for a variety of circumstances among them a variety of auto-immune illnesses. Many people became interested in using holistic disease treatments such as UBI as a natural way of giving the defense mechanisms an incredible boost.

The process for sun program irradiation is not difficult and it takes about an hour. The process includes removing a small amount of program from our body and exposing it to a healing gentle (UV light) in an irradiation chamber. During now the white program cells are handled using the UV gentle and eventually the program returns to our body.

However, there are a variety of techniques utilized by health professionals in the use of sun program irradiation. For patients using UBVI as a substitute cancer malignancy therapy, the program mentioned above is used. In some situations, UBVI includes the preparation of a powerful vaccine which boosts the defense mechanisms immensely. The program components are extremely, that is, the antigenic structure is absolutely altered to allow for detoxification of program to occur with the use of sun power. This in turn influences the autonomic neurological program which is why the technology is used in therapy of auto-immune illnesses.

UBI is also known as Photoluminescence therapy since it utilizes different forms of power such as gentle. Scientists who came up with sun program irradiation in the 1890s used it to cure issues before they went to its use as a substitute cancer malignancy therapy. Later on health professionals extended the use of sun program irradiation for therapy of auto-immune illnesses like tuberculosis and chronic liver disease.

In the 1950s, patients being affected by auto-immune illnesses started seeking UBVI as a substitute cancer malignancy therapy. Researchers have burned the midnight oil just to come up with the best substitute cancer malignancy therapy. During now, research proved the ability of sun program irradiation to be used as a substitute cancer malignancy therapy especially among epidermis and Candida cancer malignancy patients. Physicians started healing bacteria resistant bacterial infections with sun program irradiation.

Researchers approved a list of circumstances which could be handled using the sun program irradiation strategy. Some of the auto-immune illnesses for which sun program irradiation is suggested include liver disease, allergies and dangerous epidermis cancers among many others. However, patients are advised to consult qualified health professionals before deciding on the strategy for healing auto-immune illnesses. In most situations, health professionals will give patients the best solutions based on the type of disorder they are being affected by. The substitute cancer malignancy therapy considered by one individual may be absolutely different from that of another from the stage of cancer malignancy normally determines the best strategy to take. People who want to use UBI as a substitute allergy therapy should carry out thorough investigations first.

Alternative Cancer Treatment

Natural therapies take up a "natural", organic and holistic approach to cancer with the use of physical medicine, counseling, homeopathy, herbs, diet and nutrition that help attain a balance, wellness and fullness of health and life in its many aspects - physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual. Other multidimensional therapies to cancer include the use of bio-magnetic and biological therapies, immune-system enhancement and detoxification through the use of natural supplemental treatments and protocols to cancer.

Frequency Generators

The use of frequency generators like rife machines is recommended as a supplementary treatment for cancer because it very gently and quickly reverts cancer cells to normal cells therefore removing the damage and debris caused by cancer cells. The use of the rife machines do not destroy or kill cancer cells. Instead, they convert cancer cells to normal cells therefore, there are no leftover debris from broken DNA and dead cancer cells.

The use of electromedicine is not hindered by the damaged caused by chemotherapy to the digestive organs. Electromedicine can revert or turn back cancer cells to normal cells whether or not damage has been incurred during the chemotherapy.

The limitation to the use of frequency generators is that you cannot use it with Cesium Chloride protocols. The electroporation created by the electromedicine device prevents cesium chloride's accumulation inside cancer cells and the destruction of these cells.

Limu Juice

Limu juice is said to remarkably prolong the lives of cancer patients, giving main protocols some time to take effect. Therapeutic doses of limu juice is spread into several glasses amounting to sixteen ounces per day.

Aloe Arborescens

Aloe arborescens is part of the Aloe origin and has been used in Europe and Brazil in the treatment and cure for cancer. Aloe arborescens can be a therapy in itself but could be used as supplements to add to the effectiveness of other protocols. Aloe arborescens helps build up the immune or lymphatic system and helps get rid of the cancer cells.

Oxygenated water

High concentrations of oxygen with highly alkaline substances stop cancer from spreading to other body organs. Ionic water can also be given in a highly alkaline quality to increase the desired therapeutic effects. This can also be another stand-alone treatment but can be very effective with rife machines or frequency generators since they both work directly against the cancer. It is not advisable to use water ionizing with cesium chloride since these both alkaline protocols and that the use may be redundant.


A natural cancer supplement made up of five natural products without the caffeine. It's one superb supplement protocol that greatly improves the overall quality of life, inflammation, pain and mental and spiritual attitude of the patient with cancer. However, you cannot take Protandim the same days with chemotherapy. Protandim is essentially branded as a product with "anti-aging" properties which implies "anti-oxidative stress" properties as well which is highly beneficial to cancer patients.

Significant reassessment in recent years a of the nature and causes of cancer has taken place. Cancer was formerly believed to be a localized disease, characterized by a lesion, usually in the form of a growth, which appeared at some specific part of the body. This localized lesion was thought to be the result of an activity produced by an invading virus, carcinogenic agent, or some form of trauma.

Today, the conviction among researchers and physicians, which is a growing conviction is that cancer is a complex disease that is the end result of a disturbed metabolism (body chemistry).

It is an insidious disease that involves the entire body. The frequent recurrence of a malignancy after treatment with the conventional methods of surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy is because the basic underlying metabolic cause of the cancer is rarely considered and consequently remains uncorrected.

Amygdalin, or laetrile/B17, is a relatively simple compound found in much of our food supply. It is most abundant in the seeds of non-citrus fruits. Most commercially prepared amygdalin is extracted from the seeds of the apricot.

Amygdalin is composed of:

Two molecules of glucose (a sugar), One molecule of hydrocyanic acid (an anti-neoplastic compound),ane One molecule of benzaldehyde (an analgesic).

In metabolic therapy, the amygdalin is broken down into its component parts as a result of the action of the betaglucidase. This enzyme is found in abundance in cancer cells, and is relatively deficient in normal cells.

Consequently, the cyanide is released only where there is an active cancer lesion. This liberation of cyanide under controlled and safe conditions insures that an adequate dosage can be administered without the threat of toxic side effects.

This absence of cyanide toxicity is further insured by the action of the thodanese, another enzyme. This enzyme is present in large quantities in normal cells but in very small amounts in cancer cells.

Detoxification of cyanide occurs, therefore, in normal mammalian tissue through the action of this rhodanese which, in the presence of sulfer-bearing compounds, converts free cyanide to thiocyanate, a perfectly nontoxic compound. The thiocynate is excreted in the urine.

Slow drip infusion. The most efficacious mode of administration is through the slow-drip infusion technique which was developed in Tijuana, Mexico. It became apparent that the breakdown of amygdalin and its subsequent detoxification was very rapid.

If it were to be administered over a longer period of time, this could be overcome. In addition, the amygdalin must pass through many biological membranes in order to reach its site of action. This can be accomplished by combining the amygdalin with Dimethylsulfoxide.

The Most Effective, Alternative Cancer Treatment Revealed

In 1971, President Richard M. Nixon declared war on cancer in the USA. All the billions spent on cancer research have only gone into finding new ways of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Since then, inexpensive, time tested, natural therapies which were used successfully for decades around the world remain ignored by the conventional medical system. A fact is that, behind the scenes, millions of people worldwide have successfully treated cancer using low cost, natural, alternative cancer treatments since the 1920's.

The cancer may start with just one or a few cells somewhere in the body that undergo a change and become malignant, or cancerous. The cells divide and reproduce themselves, and the cancer grows. Most cancers arise on the surface of a tissue, such as the skin, the lining of the uterus, mouth, stomach, bowel, bladder, or bronchial tube in the lung, or inside a duct in the breast, prostate gland, or other site. Eventually, they grow from a microscopic clump to a visible mass, then begin to invade underlying tissues. As long as the cells remain in one mass, however, the cancer is localized.

At some later phase, in a process called metastasis, some of the cancer cells split off and are swept into the lymph channels or bloodstream to other parts of the body. They may be captured for a while in a nearby lymph node (a stage called regional involvement), but unless the disease is arrested, it will rapidly invade the rest of the body, with death the almost certain result. Some cancers grow with malevolent rapidity; some are dormant by comparison. Some respond to various therapies, such as radiation therapy; others do not. About half of the known types of cancer are incurable at any stage. Of the remaining half, it is obviously imperative to diagnose and treat them as early as possible.

If you are seriously considering alternative cancer treatment therapies, you shouldn't rush yourself into any kind of medicine. You should take your time because there are a lot of information that you must know and mistakes you must avoid. There are a lot of natural treatments available but you must remember that they only work on a minority of people who use it correctly. It also depends on the body chemistry of the patient. There isn't a best treatment for a certain type or stage of cancer.

Conventional doctors don't use alternative cancer therapies. They just put themselves at legal and professional risk unless they use chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and expensive drugs. The judgment of doctors as to what is best for you can never be imposed unless the medical politics at the federal level and state level approve of it. Unfortunately, FDA only promotes pharmaceutical drugs and has a long record of not approving anything alternative. No matter how well alternative treatments work, MD can never use these because they don't want any problems that can damage their careers.

The success of these so called alternative cancer treatments is either overstated by the community for alternative cancer treatment, or understated by the traditional ones. But if you really want to treat your cancer through alternative therapies, doctors around the world have found these 6 basic kinds of natural alternative cancer treatments that should be used together: 1. Whole Body Detoxification 2. Nutrition & Oxygenation 3. Immune system building 4. Enzymatic therapy 5. Mental and emotional counseling 6. Non-toxic, natural chemotherapies

Alternative Cancer Treatments Help Cancer Patients

Some doctors offer alternative cancer treatments to patients with cancer. The treatments often involve using the body to fight the disease instead of drugs or radiation. They work to build the immune system. Often vitamin C is administered through an IV to a cancer patient. Vitamin C plays a role in aiding humans fight off infections. Alternative treatments also often include restoring balance in the intestines of the patient. Liver detoxification is also often included in alternative cancer treatments.

Some individuals chose to only seek alternative methods of treatment to treat cancer and they often do not work alone; therefore, it is often a good idea to mix alternative treatments with other treatment methods.

Often individuals who have cancer feel hopeless or helpless. Cancer patients often feel that they are helpless in aiding their own recovery. Seeking alternative treatments can help an individual feel that he or she is aiding in the treatment of the disease.

Individuals with cancer often feel anxiety, depression, fatigue, nausea and pain. Patients often experience sleeping problems. Stress is a common problem for a person with cancer. A person who feels all of these things may not get well as quickly as a person who is not experiencing these symptoms.

Alternative treatments for symptoms of sleeplessness, stress, fatigue, nausea and pain include exercise, hypnosis, yoga, massage therapy, acupuncture and meditation.

Exercise can help a person feel less depressed. Hypnosis can help an individual relieve stress. Acupuncture might help an individual feel less pain. Massage therapy might help a person alleviate pain and stress. Yoga might help a person alleviate fatigue and sleeplessness. Yoga might also help an individual build self esteem and fight depression.

Alternative Cancer Treatment Center

Standard cancer treatment centers have a short term vision in treating the cancer. They just focus on the symptoms and treat the cancer. They fail to identify the root-cause eventually the person gets cancer once again in few years after treatment. Cancer does not affect a particular part of the body. It spreads all over the body.

Alternative cancer treatment center aims to treat the whole body. One great advantage in this type of treatment center is that patient can choose which form of treatment to undergo from the various available options. These centers offer nutritional support, massage therapy, spiritual support, individualized medicine yoga, mind-body medicine, meditation, acupressure and acupuncture support to its patients.

Another progressive approach is ozonated stem cell therapy. In this approach stem cells are sent to affected areas and it improves the healing processes.

Many people with Stage IV cancer are nearing the end in their life. Patients at this stage undergoing Chemotherapy might face problem as it might affect the immune system. It may even lead to death.

Alternative cancer treatment centers give more relief both physically and mentally with natural treatments. The aim of all the alternative cancer treatment centers is to cure the patient from cancer without any side effects and pain. It basically provides mind-body treatment and spiritual support to the patients which make them to live longer.

It is highly painful for a person to undergo surgery and to stay in hospital for further chemotherapy treatment. To reduce this pain one can go for alternative treatments instead of opting for chemotherapy. Moreover the cost involved in the standard method of treatment is very high. Alternative cancer treatment centers focus on strengthening patient's immune system whilst detoxification and destroying the remaining cells after the surgery.

Therapeutic Remedies That You Should Know About Alternative Cancer Treatment

Alternative cancer treatment is a group of therapeutic remedies used in place of conventional medicine for the purpose of treatment of cancer. Alternative cancer treatments can be very effective. Alternative cancer treatment is a group of therapeutic cancer treatments seek to strengthen the body's immune system, to enhance the quality of life during recovery, and to nourish and fortify the body through nutritional, homeopathic, or herbal therapies. There are many alternative cancer treatments that can have positive impact on your health.

If you begin to research cancer treatments you will find that there is such a great amount of alternative cancer treatments available that are as effective if not more effective than traditional treatment options without the overwhelming cost, and side effects. If you begin to research cancer treatments you will find that there is such a great amount of alternative cancer treatments available that are as effective if not more effective than traditional treatment options without the overwhelming cost, and side effects.


Cancer is not a death sentence, it is an opportunity to heal within. Cancer patients using or considering complementary or alternative therapy should discuss this decision with their doctor or nurse, as they would any therapeutic approach. Cancer is the modern plague and people are increasingly looking for natural, safe solutions. Cancer is a complex disease, and it is reasonable to do everything in one's power to fight it. Cancer cells do not age, do not become weaker as they grow older, and therefore hold a huge advantage over our healthy cells.


If you begin to research cancer treatments you will find that there is such a great amount of alternative cancer treatments available that are as effective if not more effective than traditional treatment options without the overwhelming cost, and side effects.

The Cancer Coalition (American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, FDA, Prominent Hospitals, and of course The Pharmaceutical 'Godfathers' want us to depend on them to come up with treatments, so we fund them with millions and millions of dollars, yet still no cure, not even a good treatment.

They want us to trust them, so they bolster the true success rates of conventional cancer treatments. They want us to feel protected, so they legislate what treatments doctors can use, and label doctors that stray from those treatments and poor results as "quacks" or worse yet take away their license to practice. The fact that when you think of cancer, chemo, radiation and surgery pop into mind is a testament that they have run an incredible PR campaigned to make you think these treatments actually work. want us to depend on them to come up with treatments, so we fund them with millions and millions of dollars, yet still no cure, not even a good treatment. They want us to trust them, so they bolster the true success rates of conventional cancer treatments. They want us to feel protected, so they legislate what treatments doctors can use, and label doctors that stray from those treatments and poor results as "quacks" or worse yet take away their license to practice.

The fact that when you think of cancer, chemo, radiation and surgery pop into mind is a testament that they have run an incredible PR campaigned to make you think these treatments actually work.


Vegetarian raw foods are a great method of Treating Cancer with a healthy diet. Alternate treatments for fighting cancer can range from faith healing to visualization, but one of your best bets is a whole food diet that includes raw vegetables and organic nutrients -- things that promote body detoxification.

A raw foods diet is a great alternative treatment: raw food is easy to prepare and if you use vegetables and other whole foods as your ingredients, your vegetarian meals can be so delicious.

If you are anticancer and pro-life, choose the earth's natural energy boosters and start enjoying the organic nutrients and health benefits of opting for a vegetarian raw food diet as one of your primary Treating Cancer with a healthy diets.

All natural alternative cancer treatment has been working for a long time. Learning how to re-alkalise your body's tissue and cell pH to healthy levels is extremely important and should not be overlooked in your alternative cancer treatment recovery plan.

When you are considering alternative cancer treatments, ask for documented facts and stats from the representative to find out the success rate of the group. Also check to see if your health insurance will cover any alternative cancer treatment programs and be leery of programs demanding a large sum of money up front, or that state they can cure your cancer.

The information presented here is no way meant to discourage you from undertaking conventional treatments for your cancer, but hopefully will support you and your medical doctor to undertake 'smarter', more effective alternative cancer treatment approaches to beat cancer.

More Alternative Cancer Treatments Are Brought to Light

Alternative cancer treatments are not a cure for cancer, but a tool to help you cope with your symptoms. Being a cancer survivor can be tough, the constant pain, follow up appointments, and always the fear of it returning. Alternative cancer treatments can help you while under your physician's medical care. These treatments are not meant to be a replacement for medical care; they are here to help you cope with the conditions that come along with being a cancer survivor.

Hypnosis-Can help you relive anxiety, pain and stress. During hypnosis you are in a deep state of concentration, this form of healing can help you forget about your problems and give you a positive outlook on your condition.

Music Therapy-During a session with a music therapist, you may sing, listen to music, or write music. Music therapy can help to alleviate pain as well as control vomiting. Vomiting is usually brought on by the chemotherapy treatments received by your doctor.

Detoxification- Restores the body's regular mechanisms and reverses the behavior of diseased cells to behave like normal cells. Detoxification enables doctors to rid the body of toxins by a way of improving several crucial organ systems. The water that we drink is unclean, and so is the air that we breathe. What better way to do away with all the bad things in the world then to fight them at the source? Detoxification helps improve the functions of the liver, kidneys, lungs, integumentary system, and the lymph system.

Nutrition Increase- When your body has a disease it causes you to feel like you're drained and can barely do anything. The reason being is your immune system is constantly trying to battle of this foreign object. By increasing the natural substances your body is losing everyday will enable you to be able to fight this horrific disease, without you feeling fatigued all the time.

Metronomic Chemotherapy- This procedure attacks the cells that supply oxygen to the tumor therefore, almost eliminating capillary growth that enables the cancer to spread. This low does of chemotherapy is not enough to kill off the existing cancer, it is more used to stop the spread of the tumor.

Cancer is a scary term to anyone who comes across this diagnosis. Science is trying more then ever to ensure that cancer is not the end of existence. As time goes on, we can all predict alternative measures will be made to assist all of us in with this escapade.

Zeolite: Can Zeolites Be Part Of An Alternative Cancer Treatment Detoxification Program?

There's a general agreement between practitioners in both the conventional and alternative cancer treatment worlds that detoxification of heavy metals and toxins is a good thing. We get them from dietary sources, such as some processed foods or from fertilizers and sprays used on some food crops, but that is controllable somewhat in that we make our choices about what we eat. We also get them atmospherically from pollution and as a by-product of some industrial processes and depending where we live, this can be a little or a lot of uncontrollable exposure. A good cancer detoxification program should be part of your alternative cancer treatment or prevention plan.

A good cancer detoxification program is basically intended to rid your body of a bunch of the bad stuff that can lead to cancer and other diseases. Not surprisingly there are all sorts of detox programs out there to treat everything from obesity to cancer. It's reassuring to know that practicing a cancer detox program for one ailment will almost always have a positive impact on any others you might have or want to prevent. A good cancer detox program is also good for disease prevention. One approach that I find kind of interesting is that involving something called a zeolite.

Zeolite is a volcanic mineral created when ash and lava reacted chemically to sea water. Zeolites are one of the few minerals that have negatively (-) charged ions which can attract the positive (+) ions in the toxins and heavy metals. The result is something that can best be described as a magnetic cage that can trap and store heavy metals and toxins. It then carries them out of the body as waste in the urine. So you can see how zeolites could be an attractive part of any cancer detox program. But a bit of caution is required.

You should be aware that there is also a number of zeolite products designed specifically for industrial processes such as concrete or swimming pool filtration, and not deemed fit for human consumption. There are between 50-60 different forms of zeolite mined in the world, two of them quite toxic to humans. The beneficial form of zeolite is called clinoptilolite. Sometimes one of the toxic forms of zeolite called erionite is found with clinoptilolite.

The equipment to test for erionite is very expensive and so most commercial mines don't test for erionite since the zeolite is intended for commercial purposes and testing is an unnecessary expense. Many mines also include additives for commercial purposes that can be dangerous to ingest. When considering the use of any zeolite product for any health related matter, do your research and ensure that you are getting something that won't harm your body.

There are dry and liquid forms of zeolites commercially available. There are several companies making several claims about zeolites suggesting one form is better than the other for various reasons. The dry powder zeolite folks are saying that the process to make the liquids destroys the magnetic cage and frees up the heavy metals and toxins to be absorbed back in to your body. The liquid zeolite folks are saying that liquids are more readily absorbed into your system at a cellular level and, subsequently more effective than the powder zeolites. Almost all suggest that zeolites can be used to absorb toxins, free radicals and heavy metals from your body.

They also promote zeolite as an immune system booster, antioxidant, as well as increasing the pH level in your body. There's enough scientific evidence published to suggest that these claims may be somewhat true. But there's also a bit of a marketing war going between the various zeolite companies that represents some mud-slinging and allegations that are just short of libelous, in my opinion. So it's tough to decide which way to go when trying to find the right zeolite product.

At the very least, when choosing a zeolite product, you want to make sure that it is safe for human consumption. It should be approved by your country's regulatory health authority, such as the Federal Drug Agency (FDA) in the US, or Health Canada. Despite the questionable track record of some federal agencies around the world, at the very least they should have some legal requirement to have ingredients posted on the labels. If the ingredients aren't on the bottle, you may want to consider looking at something else or at least asking more questions of the manufacturer.

Another consideration is the daily intake amount you need. There's scientific evidence that suggests between 4,000 mg to 15,000 mg per day so when researching a product make sure that it comes in a form that will allow you to get this amount without having to eat or drink several bottles at one time. One other thing to consider is that a lot of the scientific evidence that is readily available is based on research done with micronized dry powders and not so much the liquid forms.

So when looking to use zeolite as an alternative cancer treatment, whether it be for detoxification, immune system boosting, as an antioxidant, or to manage your body's pH levels, make sure you do your research. More information can be found on my website.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

With the rising costs of healthcare and the unwanted side-effects of traditional medications, many cancer sufferers are turning to alternative medicine as a cancer treatment. Are they worthwhile? Although such treatments haven't undergone the rigorous testing of traditional medications, their advocates claim that they're useful. Here are some of the most common types of alternative medicine treatments for cancer:

1. Detoxification

Several cancer patients, who choose alternative cancer treatments, use detoxification as part of their regime. Detoxification can include several types of treatments, including colon cleansing, fasting, heat therapy, herbal methods, and water therapy.

Modern life constantly bombards our bodies and minds with toxins. This happens through the air we breathe, the foods and beverages we consume, and so on. These basic yet effective detoxification methods help to cleanse your body of those unwanted toxins.

2. Nutritional Therapy

There are two basic approaches have become popular. One method is a universal approach that helps to improve the patient's strength and health. This includes sticking to that old "Food Pyramid" that we learned in elementary school, using a raw foods diet (such as juicing), and so on. While diet fads come and go, research continues to prove that fresh, organic food best feeds your body the fuel that it needs to function effectively.

Another type of nutritional therapy uses a special blend of nutrients to meet the nutritional needs of the patient. For instance, cancer patients may need special quantities of amino acids, carbohydrates, or glucose in their diets. A dietician and other health experts will have the expertise to determine the nutritional needs for individual cancer patients.

Researchers have discovered that certain foods are particularly useful when battling cancer. Here are some of them:

  • avocados: contains a powerful antioxidant
  • broccoli: breast and prostate cancer
  • cabbage: breast and prostate cancer
  • carrots: high in beta carotene/effective for several types of cancer
  • cauliflower: breast cancer
  • chili peppers: may neutralize particular substances that cause cancer
  • figs: could shrink tumors
  • garlic: may boost immune cells that battle cancer
  • grapes (red): contain powerful antioxidants
  • grapefruit: may be effective against breast cancer
  • kale: may prevent the conversion of lesions into cancerous cells
  • mushrooms: some types may battle cancer
  • raspberries: may contain vitamins and minerals that prevent cancer
  • tomatoes: contain various antioxidants
3. Psychology/Psychotherapy

Some cancer experts believe that a traumatic experience can cause cancer to appear in a person one or two years following the event. Certain methods included in this type of cancer treatment include counseling, meditation, music, psychotherapy, relaxation techniques, stress reduction, and support groups.

The goal of using these techniques is to boost the cancer patient's immune system. Another common method is biofeedback. This is a method in which people control particular physical processes that usually happen involuntarily-- in order to enhance their health. In this case, the cancer patient visualizes the body's immune cells striking the cancer cells.

If you are suffering from cancer, you can battle back by using some basic alternative treatments. As always-consult your doctor beforehand!

Alternative Cancer Treatments and Alternative Healing

Why choose alternative cancer treatments and not conventional medicine? Because conventional medicine is the treatment of choice for acute emergencies but not long term chronic health conditions that most people suffer with. To heal a chronic symptom, condition or disease you must treat the cause and not the effect. The effect is the symptom, condition or disease, the cause is an out of balance physical and mental/emotional environment. When the systems of the body are unblocked and in balance and when the internal physical environment is in homeostasis and the mental/emotional toxins have been released then the body will do what God designed it to do, heal naturally.

Mankind has long sought the secrets of having a sound mind and body. Becoming healthy in body, mind and emotions and staying that way is created through a Christian health lifestyle along with alternative health techniques. Many people who have been afflicted by sickness or disease have restored their health after considering alternative cancer treatment, and lived long lives with abundant energy and vitality.

It is important to understand that alternative cancer treatment has the objective to heal the whole body and mind naturally. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Modern medicine treats the symptoms and not the cause of the illness or disease. This is where alternative medicine can help you because it gives you alternative health effects. Alternative Medicine is quickly becoming the accepted way of treating patients with chronic health conditions and diseases compared to conventional medicinal techniques and practices. Alternative medicine practices are based on the techniques that were observed by ancient doctors who observed holistic healing and detoxification.

Again, the reason why the body becomes sick is because the symptoms are treated, not the cause. The methodology of alternative medicine practitioners is far from outdated; however, more than just curing a sickness, studies show that they help prevent it. The reason for alternative medicine's success in healing the mind and the body lies in its adherence to nature.

God has created natural means of healing us, and alternative cancer treatments uses natural means to propagate good health. Alternative health is a safe and natural way of healing the body of the many toxins, blockages, and imbalances that cause illnesses. After all, you and your family deserve to be at the highest level of health and vitality no matter what your age.

Alternative Cancer Treatment and Detoxification

Every cell in your entire body is replaced within one year. This means you are a whole new you in one year. The problem is if you keep doing what you have always done, you will get what you have always had, a physically as well as mentally/emotionally toxic, out of balance body that is prone to symptoms, conditions and diseases including cancer.

What is detoxification? It is simply ridding the body of chemicals, toxins and waste products that will cause premature cell death if not cleared from the body. If these toxins build up to high levels and enter the cells then they can cause the cells to dedifferentiate into cancer stem cells. If this occurs alternative cancer treatment becomes vital to restore ones health.

As you fast, you eliminate these three: 1. Toxins and chemicals 2. Non-vital tissue 3. Pathogens

Once you start to fast, the garbage that has been stored in your cells for the last 30-40 years finally has a chance to be released. This begins with toxins, chemicals, and drugs stored in the tissues. Then you begin to eliminate all the non-vital tissue, the cysts, tumors, edematous fluid and finally all the harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and any other pathogens are removed by your white blood cells or they simply die because they are no longer being fed.

The old is gone, the new has come. First, you need to remove all the old cells and tissues that have been filled with chemicals, toxins and pathogens. Next the new cells and tissues are rebuilt in a pure (toxin and chemical free) state. Since every cell in the body is replaced within one year if you plant new seeds today, you will get a new harvest within one year. Stomach cells are replaced within days, liver cells within 6 weeks, blood cells within 3 months and brain cells within one year.

In fasting, all non-essential cells, tissues and fluids are broken down back into their component parts of amino acids, essential fatty acids, simple chain sugars, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. This includes tumors, cysts, scars, edematous and extraneous fluids. Then the miracle of fasting reorganizes these component building blocks and reuses them to rebuild the "new" body of health and wholeness so one does not become deficient. The body turns non-essential tissue into essential tissue.

Fasting and detoxification complement alternative cancer treatment by making an environment that pathogens (which include): bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, yeast and cancer cells cannot live in. What is the connection between all these pathogens? They thrive in high sugar and low oxygen environments. What does fasting and detoxification do? They make the reverse environment, one of low sugar and high oxygen. This environment promotes health and prevents disease like cancer.