The book titled: Healing Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to the Process of Healing Cancer takes a different look at cancer in general with a focus on overall health of the body. The book is separated into five main components which are the main components of the overall process of healing cancer. There is also a chapter on the Missing Links for cancer protocols in general, Root-Cause Analysis which identifies the root cause of cancer, and and ending chapter entitle: Life which is auxiliary content.
The chapter on Missing Links discusses Overcoming Fear and Having a Positive Attitude, Addressing Failure, Critical Thinking, Self-Education, True Health, and Responsibility. Each of these "missing links" are discussed in detail with an angle that these are mostly missing in today's conventional cancer treatment protocols. Overcoming Fear and Having a Positive Attitude are important with regard to healing the mind before beginning a journey of healing the body of cancer. These are critical components to the overall process of healing cancer in which the second chapter is dedicated to this topic. Addressing Failure is also a mental component discussed in Chapter 2.
Critical Thinking and Self-Education are discussed in detail in the Missing Links chapter to acknowledge to the reader that there is more to what we "think" we know from our general education. The premise is that we do not have the general ability to think critically because of how we were educated growing up. Also, most of us only receive a "general eduction" and think we are done learning after our formal education is complete. Self-Education is the beginning of a real education that should start well before our formal "general" education is complete. Unfortunately most of us are comfortable with the general education we receive and coast the rest of our lives. This is somewhat dangerous to our belief system as we are gullible to what others tell us a being the truth.
The final Missing Link is Responsibility which seems to be seriously lacking in our society today of grown, intelligent adults. Responsibility consists of taking care of your own affairs and not having so many dependencies in life. In the context of the book, this has everything to do with cancer and disease in general. We as humans are responsible for our actions and if we are not self-education on health and live a non-healthy lifestyle, we are responsible for the ailments and disease we experience. Dependency on a health-care system is being irresponsible. Using critical thinking and self-education will allow us to depend on ourselves and reverse those ailments and diseases and help live a healthier lifestyle.
Chapter 2, titled: Attitude is the first component of the five regarding the process of healing cancer. It is the most important component and is paramount to the healing process. Those who are suffer from perpetual fear, anger, or depression from getting cancer have a significantly lower change of a full recovery compared to those who engage in consistent positive thought. Negative thought is very important to overcome when dealing with cancer. This chapter gives guidance to overcoming negative thought which involves structuring a formal plan for doing so.
Chapter 3, titled: Root-Cause Analysis is based on the known cause of cancer which was discovered in the 1920s. The German Physicist identified the root-cause as: "The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen for normal body cells by the fermentation of sugar." Cancer becomes cancer when a cell can no longer receive the oxygen it needs to survive. This has been know for several decades, yet the current cancer industry does not support it. This chapter discusses the conventional cancer treatments of chemotherapy and radiation which do not address the root-cause of cancer. An obvious message conveyed is, if you do not know the root-cause of something, how can you fix it?
Chapter 4, titled: Detoxification is the second main component of the process of healing cancer. This chapter discusses the toxic environment we live in and the toxic accumulations that build up in our cells from years of poor diet, daily exposure to household chemicals, and chemicals in our water supply. This toxic accumulation is what is responsible for the lower oxygen levels at the cellular level which can eventually lead to cancer. In essence, the toxic accumulation is partially responsible for the formation of cancer and needs to be removed from the body. The chapter discusses many of the common detoxification protocols as well as what to avoid to limit your daily exposure to these toxic substances.
Chapter 5, titled: Alternative and Complimentary Cancer Treatments is the third main component to the process of healing cancer. This chapter discusses many of the common and popular alternative cancer treatment protocols that most of the population has never heard of. These protocols mainly focus on detoxification and nutrition.
Chapter 6, titled: Nutrition is the fourth main component. This chapter goes into great detail of the foods that you should consume and those that should be avoided. This will seem quite obvious when reading it, yet it is not common knowledge in our society. Organic foods, beverages typically do not contain the toxic chemicals of the conventional similar products. The same is true for non-consumable household products such as cleaners and hygiene products. This chapter also covers nutritional deficiencies and why the majority of the population is deficient in a particular nutrients.
Chapter 7, titled: Exercise is the fifth and final component. This is another somewhat obvious topic but the chapter goes into detail on the lymphatic system and its importance to naturally detoxifying the body. The lymphatic system is the literal sewer system of the body which its circulation is only induced by body movement (exercise). If exercise is not part of a daily routine then stagnation can form in the lymphatic system making things worse with regard to cancer and disease. It is important to implement a weekly exercise routine.
Chapter 8, titled" Life is an auxiliary chapter that discusses the Mind, Body, and Soul and how it relates to the overall process discussed. It suggests that if we do not score high in the mind, body, and soul categories then we are not living life to the fullest potential. There is more to life than just "getting by" and "going through the motions". Those with cancer obviously score low in the body category, but likely score low in the mind and soul categories too. The book and the missing links and overall process to healing cancer should allow everyone to score much higher in these categories. Using the contents in the book gives the tools to start scoring higher in these categories immediately.